RustEdit 1.0.26

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Staff member
I went through the almost entire editor code base and optimized many systems. These changes have reduced memory usage by 20-25% and increased FPS, even in areas where there is a lot going on. I also moved a lot of the intensive CPU based task processing over to the GPU which has yielded better performance for a lot of tools.

Brushes and Rotation
I implemented Unity's brush preview rendering to the terrain tools so you can see what modifications will look like before you make them which is pretty cool
Brush rotation is something that has been requested for a while now so I finally done it. You can now rotate terrain and paint brushes. There is a slider on the tool panels, or you can hold CTRL and scroll your mouse

The last graphics update was a large improvement over what it was prior, but it was still not quite right. I went ahead and tweaked everything and now the editor is looking alot more like the game. I also replaced the time and weather system with the same one that Rust uses
While I was at it I replaced the water system I have been using since the beginning. It looked nice but it was too costly
And finally I added graphics related options to the preferences menu and config that you can play with

Custom Prefab Collections and Terrain Modifiers
I optimized the functions that gather data when creating a custom prefab which has made processing time over 10x faster (this is more noticeable when you have a very large radius) and got rid of the selection sphere and prefab highlighting as these were causing slowdowns.
I also finally revisited the ability to save the heights/alpha/biome/splat/topology/paths with a custom prefab which is something that was in from the start but had some issues. This is only on pre-release at the moment and will be available to everyone with the next big update

This is only a fraction of what has changed in this update. You can see all the changes that were made in the change log below

To update the editor simply click Check For Updates in the RustEdit Launcher!

-- Version 1.0.26 -- Change Log --
Added - Holding shift while moving or rotation prefabs will snap to closest whole number
Added - Refresh button for prefab preview images to re-generate preview image and save to disk
Added - Ability to rotate terrain and paint brushes
Added - Hotkey Ctrl + MouseScroll to rotate brushes
Added - Terrain tool brush preview normal rendering
Added - Ability to replace channels for specific layers with another channel over the entire map
Added - Ability to save and load topology presets in the Multi-Layer Topology tool
Added - Ability to quickly create custom prefabs from the current selection of prefabs instead of inside of the sphere
Added - Overwrite option to custom prefab creator
Added - Graphics options to preferences menu and config
Added - 'Select All' button to object hierarchy
Added - Prevent splat/biome/topology conditions to conditional paint brush
Added - Topology support to replace paint brush
Added - Duplicating prefabs with IO connections will copy the connections to the new entities
Added - (Pre-release) Ability to save heights/alpha/biome/splat/topology/paths in custom prefab creator
Added - (Pre-release) Ability to import custom stamps for the stamper

Changed - Drag selection will include all objects inside the selection box within 200m of camera (regardless of whether they are invisible or not)
Changed - Optimized custom prefab data collection (> 10x faster) and ensure all prefabs in sphere are gathered when creating custom prefab
Changed - Reduced height, splat, biome and alpha cached data memory usage by > 50%
Changed - Reduced topology cached data memory usage by > 90%
Changed - Optimized terrain modification tools processing time
Changed - Optimized terrain based undo handling processing time
Changed - Optimized splat based undo handling processing time
Changed - Reduced terrain and splat undo steps memory consumption to a fraction of what it used previously
Changed - Terrain overlay (Biome/Topology) is now processed on the GPU
Changed - Brush projections and previews are now generated on the GPU
Changed - Auto-adjust prefab heights are now processed when terrain modification is completed
Changed - Optimized auto-adjust prefab height processing time (> 10x faster)
Changed - Store generated preview images to disk to make preview loading faster in later editor sessions
Changed - Clear prefab preview image cache between scenes to reduce memory usage
Changed - Rewrote Stamper tool into a brush based tool, removed requirement of stamp bundle
Changed - New sky, time and weather systems that mimic the game
Changed - New post processing effects that that mimic the game
Changed - Replaced water shaders
Changed - Remove splat mixer because it was useless
Changed - Only render IO connection text when within 50m of target
Changed - Process IO connection renderers with a per frame budget

Fixed - Update monument height/splat/biome/alpha/topology modifier tools to use new format
Fixed - Terrain blended rocks blend fades are automatically adjusted according to terrain height at position
Fixed - Invisible clone and bridge tool source location indicators
Fixed - Washed out look on in-editor map
Fixed - Drag selection sometimes dragging a box when transform axis is selected
Fixed - Duplicate undo not storing all steps
Fixed - Generate terrain not changing seed between attempts
Fixed - Airborne rock formations
Fixed - Conditional paint tool height restrictions not being applied correctly
Fixed - IO connections not being saved correctly when entity is part of a custom prefab
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