RustEdit 1.0.19

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Text to Prefab Generator
This is a simple tool to make creating signs using the letter and number prefabs easier. Simply enter your text and hit "Generate" and it will spawn the letters and numbers

Global Space Scaling
Somehow it was overlooked that the scale tool worked in global space. While you wouldn't notice it when scaling a single prefab you do when scaling a group, they should move away from the center of the selection relative to the amount of scale being applied, not all scaling in the same position and being mushed into each other. This is now a thing

River Waterlevel Issues
It was brought to my attention that the actual water level of rivers was slightly higher then the water mesh. This has now been fixed

Black Spots on the Terrain
After a bit of investigation it seemed like the issue for this was the conversion of data types in the map file to a useable value for the editor was slightly altering splat and biome values and after saving and reloading the map a a bunch of times it all adds up eventually leaving a low total value for that channel. This isn't a issue in game but my terrain shader doesn't like it which is why you see the black spots.
So its not possible to actually resolve the issue when converting these values but I can normalize everything when the map loads which is like a bandaid over the problem

Patreon Integration
I implemented a system for my patrons to login via the editor and get access to some pre-release features. These features aren't going to be restricted to patrons indefinitely, the idea is to have a few special features every major update that will only be available to patrons and then the previous pre-release features will be unlocked for everyone.
A lot of time goes into development so if you are interested in becoming a patron and supporting the project you can check it out here

Socket Gizmo (Pre-release)
The socket gizmo allows you to snap pieces together using sockets. You can select whether to match rotation when snapping pieces together, connected pieces will move as 1 piece and you can rotate pieces using a selected socket. This system makes making things like caves or roads with prefabs incredibly easy
There are currently over 300 prefabs (road pieces, train tracks, tunnels, caves, pipes, building pieces, plus a ton of other stuff) that I have applied sockets to and this can be easily expanded in the future

Hydraulic Erosion Brush (Pre-release)
This is a new terrain brush that applies hydraulic erosion to your terrain. Basically it simulates 1000s of droplets on water running down the terrain slowly eroding it away. It will also apply a bedrock and sediment texture of your choosing

Custom Brushes (Pre-release)
You can now import custom brushes that can be used on both terrain and paint tools, they are 100x100 pixel images and you can read more about it here

Time and Weather Controls (Pre-release)
This serves no purpose other then it is aesthetically pleasing :p

To update the editor simply click Check For Updates in the RustEdit Launcher!

-- Version 1.0.19 -- Change Log --
Added - Snap to Terrain buttons on the transform tool panel that will move all selected objects to ground level
Added - Hotkey (Ctrl + Shift + Left Click) that will move all selected objects to your mouse position
Added - Button to generate pathside topology (roadside, riverside)
Added - Camera controls to the controls section of the Unity launcher
Added - Text to prefab generator to convert a string to the text prefabs in game
Added - Option to reload the current map
Added - Spawn conditional models on building blocks (foundation sides, trim pieces on roofs, etc)
Added - Global space scaling (stops scaling a group of objects resulting in them all being mushed together and instead moves their position accordingly)
Added - Patreon integration, patrons can access pre-release features by signing in to their Patreon account inside the editor
Added - (Pre-release) Socket Gizmo/Snap tools
Added - (Pre-release) Support for custom brushes
Added - (Pre-release) Hydraulic erosion terrain brush
Added - (Pre-release) Time and weather controls

Changed - Removed limit to amount of prefabs that can be saved at once in to a custom prefab, because WheatleyMF
Changed - Increased prefab OOB limit to 300 outside of terrain size (so you can place oilrigs offshore outside of the map)

Fixed - Scale issues for scaled objects in a custom prefab
Fixed - Clear Underlying Topology clearing all layers to the size of the brush, not the area that gets painted
Fixed - Tooltips get stuck if the menu they are a part of closes when the tooltip is active
Fixed - Prevent group selection from being selected when typing in input fields
Fixed - Conversion from byte -> float when loading a map slightly altering splat/biome values eventually leaving black spots on the terrain and causing artifacts in the tint mask
Fixed - Issue with Clone tool when only cloning splat
Fixed - Flatten height only applying a fraction of the set height
Fixed - Transform tool panel disappears when selecting multiple objects
Fixed - Multiselect in hierarchy window
Fixed - River water level ingame was not taking mesh offset into consideration
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