RustEdit 1.0.20

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Staff member
Before I get into the details of this update I should mention that I am forced to push this update before it has been completely tested due to the fact that the previous version of the editor will not work with the next Rust update so there may still be some bugs

This update comes with a graphics overhaul. There's not much to say about it so I will show you some pictures


Lighting also got reworked in this update. No longer will you be blinded by 1 million lumen hobo barrels. I also added volumetric lighting for that extra bit of sexy



Main Menu
The main menu also got a overhaul. I rather liked that Rusts menu's have video clips playing in the background so I was going to do the same. Then I realised that I couldn't be ass'ed making any videos so I settled on random cycling screen shots from the editor instead. It's much better then that shitty tree image I stole from Google

Map Generator
I made a map generator and a useable in-editor map. You can open the map by holding 'G', it will show your position, you can teleport anywhere on the map by double clicking where you want to go, and you can export the map image. The map takes a few seconds to generate and will need to be updated whenever you make terrain or splat changes

RustEdit Oxide Extension
I wrote a Oxide/uMod extension to expand upon what is possible for a custom map. While originally it was only meant to give you the ability to create custom monument puzzles it expanded to a few other areas also. It's getting late here so I won't go into too much detail now, but I will post guides/instructions on everything it covers sometime in the next couple of days

- Custom Puzzles
I wrote a bunch of tools to allow you to create custom monument puzzles, however it requires Oxide/uMod and the RustEdit extension I wrote to make it work. Here is a video to create a simple keycard security door. The tools have changed slightly from when I made that video

- Custom Loot Containers and Vending Machines
You can now create custom loot and vending profiles that can be assigned to loot containers and vending machines in the editor. The extension will then ensure they are populated with what you set in the profile. The extension will also make sure all loot containers, even those without custom profiles, respawn and refresh loot correctly

- Resources
The RustEdit extension will also manage any ore/tree resource you place in the editor and ensure it respawns correctly

- Ocean Patrol Paths
There is a new path tool that allows you to create custom ocean paths (the path that the cargo ship follows). It also requires the RustEdit extension to work

- Custom Spawn Points
We got those spawn point prefabs a while back but they never worked correctly. If you place those prefabs on your map the RustEdit extension will force players to spawn at them properly

Copy-Paste Importer
You can now import CopyPaste (Oxide plugin) files directly to a custom prefab. Take note that not everything that is saved in a CopyPaste file will be imported, only the stuff that you can use in the editor

I unlocked the pre-release stuff from the last update, everyone can now use the Socket Gizmo, Time/Weather Controller, Hydraulic Erosion Brush and have the ability to import custom brushes.
New pre-release features include a Stamper Tool that allows you to stamp height maps on to the terrain and has a ton of stamps to choose from, and a customizable terrain generator

To update the editor simply click Check For Updates in the RustEdit Launcher!

-- Version 1.0.20 -- Change Log --
Added - Map image generator and exporter
Added - Useable in-editor map, shows your position and you can fast travel anywhere by double clicking
Added - Ability to import assets from a CopyPaste file directly to a custom prefab
Added - Support for respawnable loot via the RustEdit oxide extension
Added - Support for customizable loot via the RustEdit oxide extension
Added - Support for customizable vending machines via the RustEdit oxide extension
Added - Support for custom puzzle systems via the RustEdit extension
Added - Quit confirmation dialog when pressing the X to quit
Added - (Pre-release) Terrain Stamper
Added - (Pre-release) Customizable terrain generator

Changed - Unlocked Socket Gizmo, Time & Weather Controller, Hydraulic Erosion Brush and Custom Brushes from pre-release
Changed - Resource entities now scale according to their attributes
Changed - Overhauled lighting and added volumetric lighting
Changed - Overhauled graphics and added post processing
Changed - Main menu layout and design

Fixed - Reduced slow down when modifying terrain with a large brush on a large map
Fixed - Brush paint position not being offset when on the south and western edges of the map
Fixed - Tint mask blends between splat channels dark after generation
Fixed - Issues with LOD components for objects that are parented to other objects
Fixed - Custom placeholders not being loaded


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